Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (2024)

5 Fun Things To Do On the 100th Day Of School

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (1)

Celebrating the 100th day of school in elementary school is a big deal. It’s probably my second favorite day of the school year, following Polar Express Day. The kids are so excited to celebrate that we have been in school for 100 days. I mean, that’s a long time! It’s a big deal and important to celebrate how far we have come in the school year! The internet is full of many wonderful 100th day ideas, but I’m going to share some of my favorite simple ideas that you can implement tomorrow!

Make sure to check out this blog post: 10 Books For Celebrating The 100th Day of School

Rotations Among The Grade Level

So, I should say my team and I ran 30-minute rotations for this fun day. That means that we would rotate classes and do the same activity with each class. That way, we only had to prep-one activity (just for five classes rather than one) instead of prepping all the activities. So, if you have the means to do that, I highly suggest it! Plus, it’s fun to see different faces throughout the day and get a chance to get to know the other kids in your grade level too.

Easy 1-0-0 Pictures

This was always my rotation! If you have a cutting machine of some sort, I highly suggest you use it for this activity. Give each student the numbers 1-0-0 and let them create a picture using it. Here is an example of some of them from my class a couple of years ago:

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (3)

Find the 100 Kisses

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (4)

For this activity, you need a couple of bags of Hershey Kisses. On the bottom, you need to write numbers 1-100. I actually did 1-120 since knowing numbers to 120 is the math standard for first grade and I have a 120 chart. Then, I hid them around the room when my kids were at recess and I didn’t have recess duty. When they came in, they had to find the kisses and then match them to the number on the 120 chart. This took awhile actually and I didn’t plan for it to! In fact, we didn’t even find them all… Who knew I was such a good hider? That was a total accident. We found the last two on the last day of school haha!

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Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (6)

100 Ways To Be Kind Anchor Chart

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This activity is great! This is not my original idea, but I got the idea from my friend Jen at Sparkling In Second Grade. I made this chart for students to list 100 ways to be kind. Then, the students come up to the chart whenever they had an idea of a way to be kind and we usually ended with meeting at the chart at the end of the day to finish it together. I left it up throughout the rest of the year and we would go back to it every now and then to talk about a way to be kind to someone that day.

100 Reasons We Love… Bulletin Board

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (8)

Another fun activity I did with my kids was to write 100 reasons we love first grade. I made hearts with the heart shape tool on Powerpoint and printed them on red and pink paper. The kids cut their hearts out and wrote one thing on each heart of why they loved first grade. Each student had four hearts and then I wrote the leftovers. We tried to do different reasons, but I’m pretty sure there were some multiple! It’s fine! Every student wrote the friend sitting next to them so that every kid in our class was on the board.

I Am 100 Days Smarter Center Flipbook

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (9)

This activity is one of my favorites! Like I said earlier, my team and I did rotations for the 100th day. Those were normally done in the morning so in the afternoon, I ran some simple centers in my classroom. I used this flipbook to set up the centers and they were in groups and rotated around. The centers were to draw what they will look like when they are 100, a 100th day STEM challenge, a 100th-day game, what can you do in 100 seconds, counting to 100, and to make a 100th-day monster. So much fun! You can grab it here.

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Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (14)

Bonus: Dress Like You Are 100!

Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (15)

My team always encouraged students to dress like they were 100 years old. It was always so much fun to see these little old six years olds walking to our classroom with their canes. I loved when they really went into character and walked so slow. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and got some useful ideas!

How do you celebrate the 100th day of school? I would love to hear!

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Celebrating the 100th Day Of School (2024)


Celebrating the 100th Day Of School? ›

This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the 180 day school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far. The celebration began by a California teacher in 1979 who was trying to help her students understand the concrete lesson of the number 100.

What is the 100th day of school celebration? ›

This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the 180 day school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far. The celebration began by a California teacher in 1979 who was trying to help her students understand the concrete lesson of the number 100.

What is the objective of the 100 days of school? ›

The 100th day of school is a fun opportunity to recognize student progress and honor all of the hard work as a community. It's also the perfect chance to include numbers and math concepts in the festivities centered around the number 100.

Why is the 100th day of school a big deal? ›

The 100th day is an important milestone because it means students are more than halfway through the year, as most schools have 180 days in their calendar year. It is also a great occasion to highlight how much children have learned since their academic year began.

What do kids wear for the 100th day of school? ›

100th Day of School Costume Ideas and Outfits

Feathers! Pom-poms! Or use anything that can easily be counted out and attached to a shirt, such as googly eyes, puzzle pieces, or stickers. Put your relationships with your students first by wearing 100 of their favorite things.

What happens at a 100 day celebration? ›

At traditional Chinese 100 days celebrations (百日宴), prayers and food will be offered to the ancestors together with the burning of incense to wish the baby good health and protection them from bad spirits. Some families will shave the baby's head, while some have already replaced the ritual with snipping a hair lock.

What do students reflect on during the 100th day of school? ›

Reflect on progress: The 100th day of school is a great opportunity for students to reflect on their progress and to celebrate their accomplishments. It allows students to see how far they have come since the start of the school year and to appreciate their hard work and effort.

What is kindergarten 100s day? ›

The 100th Day of School is a monumental celebration in most all early grades, but especially in Kindergarten and 1st Grade! It's a day filled with counting, building number sense, reading, exercising and practicing fine motor skills.

Who created the 100th day of school? ›

Back in 1979, Lynn Taylor, along with her colleagues David Cooper and Mary Hurdlow, celebrated their first 100th day of school.

What is the movie about 100 days of school? ›

Emily's First 100 Days of School.

Is 100th day of school ageist? ›

We're being ageist any time we make an assumption about people based on how old we think they are,” explains ageism expert Ashton Applewhite. Dress Like a 100-Year-Old Day is ageist and also ableist: it contributes to stereotypes and stigma around physical and cognitive ability.

What two months will the 100th day of school usually fall in? ›

When is the 100th Day of School? The date of the 100th day varies since different schools begin their year on different days. Unexpected days off such as snow days may also affect the date. Celebrations typically take place on a date somewhere from mid-January to mid-February.

What to do for 100 days anniversary? ›

Here are a few ideas on what you can do to make this day special: 1. Plan a romantic date: Surprise your girlfriend with a thoughtfully planned date, such as a candlelit dinner at home or her favorite restaurant. You can also recreate your first date or visit a place that holds special memories for both of you.

Do you celebrate 100 days? ›

100 Days Celebration Customs And Traditions

While get-togethers are also common at the end of the baby's first month, the 100-day one is preferred because it marks the end of the most vulnerable period for new babies and mums or, in some cases, an end to confinement.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.