Class V - · Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (2025)

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (1)

Chapter 2

Class VMathematics

Roman Numerals

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (2)

➢ Roman numerals are the numerical system used in ancient Rome.

➢ In Roman numerals we use combination of letters from the alphabets to represent different values.

➢ Our number system is called the Hindu-Arabic System.Ex…1,2,3,4………..

➢ In Roman numeral system there is no symbol for Zero.

➢ This system is also not a place value system.

Points to remember:-

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (3)

Basic Symbols of Roman Numerals

• The seven basic symbol used in roman numerals are:

Roman Numbers Hindu Arabic Numbers

I 1

V 5

X 10

L 50

C 100

D 500

M 1000

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (4)

Rules for forming Roman numerals

A. Repetition of a Roman numerals means addition.1. Only I, X, C and M can be repeated.2. V, L & D can’t be repeated.3. No numeral can be repeated more than three times.

Ex. 1 CC=100+100=200

Ex. 2 MMM=3000

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (5)

Rules for forming Roman numerals

B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number from the larger number.

1. V, L & D are never subtracted.2. I can be subtracted from V and X only.3. X can be subtracted from L and C only.4. C can be subtracted from D and M only.

Ex. 1. IX=10-1=9 (Refer rule “B” point 2)Ex. 2. XL=50-10=40 (Refer rule “B” point 3)Ex. 3. CM=1000-100=900 (Refer rule “B” point 4)

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (6)

Rules for forming Roman numerals

C. Large number are written by putting a bar over the symbol to make the number 1000 times larger.Ex. 1. V=5000

Ex.2. VI=6000

Ex.3. X =10000

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (7)

How to write compound numbers?

• 3986 is written as MMMCMLXXXVI

• The first M gives you 1000

• The second M gives you 1000

• The third M gives you 1000

• The next CM gives you 900 ( 1000-100)

• The next LXXX gives you 80 ( 50+10+10+10)

• The next VI gives you 6 (5+1)

• Therefore if you add together will get 3986.

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (8)

Example 1:

Write in Roman Numeral:

A. 1347

• 1000+300+40+7

• 1000= M

• 300= CCC (100+100+100)

• 40 = XL (50 – 10)

• 7 = VII (5+1+1)

Therefore, Roman Numeral for 1347 is MCCCXLVII.

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (9)

Example 2:

• Add

XIX+XXIX = …………..

XIX = 19

XXIX = 29

Add (19 +29)=48

48 write in a Roman numeral

40 + 8=XLVIII

Therefore ,XIX + XXIX = XLVIII

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (10)

Activity Time

• Represent your Birth date in Roman Numerals.

• Material required – used scrapbook’s sheets.

• Match sticks or tooth picks.

• Glue.

• Sketch pens.

• You can refer these shapes to represent your Birth date in similar way.

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (11)

Class V Mathematics

Home AssignmentChapter 1. (Revision)

1. The difference between two number is 78489. If the larger no is 350102, find the smaller number.

2. Find the product ; 9647 X 238.

3. Find the quotient and remainder ; 850658 divided by 97.

4. List all the factors of 120.

5. Write the first four multiples of 18.

6. Find the HCF of 32 and 56.

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (12)

7. Arrange in ascending order

8. Convert into an improper fraction.

9. Convert into mixed numeral.

10. Convert. : 8 m 56 mm into mm11. Draw a quadrilateral. Name it EFGH. Write the

names of the four sides and two diagonals.12. A circle has a radius of 12 cm. How long is its

diameter?13. If 2nd November in a certain year was Monday, what

was the day on 11th December?14. What time will it be:- 2 hours 30 minutes after 10:40

p.m.?15. Express fraction as a decimal.

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (13)

Chapter 2 (Roman Numerals)•

1. Write the Roman numeral for each of the following Hindu-Arabic numerals.a. 247 b. 196c. 495 d. 3442. Write the Hindu-Arabic numerals corresponding to each of the following.a. XCI b. CXLVIc. CCCLXXXV d. CCLXVI3. Compare and put the correct symbol , or = in the placeholders.a. XCIII CXIII b. CD CCCXCc. CCLIX CCXLI d. CXLIX CLXXXIX4. Write the following Roman numerals in ascending order.a. CXIX, XCIX, CXXI, CIX, CXXb. CCLX, CCXC, CCXX, CXC, CCXLc. CDLXIX, CDLXV, CDLXIII, CDXLV, CDLVIII4.Solve and write the answer in Roman numerals.a. XCII – XV = …………………………….b. XLIX + XXXIX = ……………………………c. LVII – XXIX = ……………………………d. LIV X VI = ……………………………e. CVIII + CXLVI = …………………………..f. LXIX * VII = ……………………………

Class V -· Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (14)

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Thank You Presented By

Puja Sahu

Class V - · Ex. 2 MMM=3000. Rules for forming Roman numerals B. If a smaller number comes before a larger number subtract the smaller number - [PDF Document] (2025)
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