Error on first account login attempt (2025)

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    Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

    September 2021 edited December 2022 in Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present

    I'm a new internet customer and created an account several days ago. Each time I try to log in I get the following error:

    We're sorry, something didn't work quite right. Please try again. IDCE-1013.

    When I try again the log in is successful. Try chat but you apparently never get to an agent. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?


    • James_M Posts: 4,880 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

      September 2021 Answer ✓


      It may be an issue with Firefox. Can you attempt to reproduce the error on Chrome or Edge?

    • James_M Posts: 4,880 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

      October 2021 Answer ✓


      Thanks for the update. Sounds like you had an older or outdated page bookmarked. The bookmarked page was likely throwing an error, which caused the page to loop back to the login screen a second time. If you like, you can bookmark Let us know if the issue returns, and glad to hear the issue appears to be resolved!


    • Julia_R Posts: 4,661 Contributor

      September 2021


      Hello! Welcome to the Community!

      Does this happen at and the App? If you are a video subscriber does this happen with Spectrum Video login as well or just the


    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021


      Thanks! I don't have the app so it's only happening via the web page. I'm just an internet subscriber.

    • coriel Posts: 1 Newcomer

      September 2021


      Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies? Make sure you’re using chrome as well


    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021


      I'm running Firefox on Windows 10. Clearing cache and cookies did not help. I'd prefer not to change browsers. Why would Chrome be required to log into a common company website?

    • James_M Posts: 4,880 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

      September 2021



      When you registered, did you receive a verification email? Access may be restricted until you have verified the account.

    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021


      I had already created my account by the time I received an email to "set up your account". Maybe the order in which I did things has screwed things up. But just to be clear, it's the first attempt to log in that fails. I immediately try again and it succeeds. In both cases there's a lot of screen flashing 'working' indicators - pretty ugly.

    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021


      Have tried it several times with Edge and it worked fine. So thanks to James_M.for pointing the finger at Firefox.


    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021 edited September 2021


      I switched from Firefox to Edge to use a built-in browser and save space by removing Firefox. Edge did work the other day but does not now. It's a Spectrum bug in my opinion. No big deal if I have to log in twice I guess.


    • GerryI Posts: 1 Newcomer

      September 2021


      I use Edge. And this happens to me. I have done all of the above and I still receive it. Its been happening for at least a year now. So, its not just Edge vs FireFox.

    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      September 2021


      As I mentioned above, it's not critical but certainly a bit strange.

    • beachgirl Posts: 1 Newcomer

      October 2021


      am I to understand from the responses that Chrome and Edge are the only spectrum supported browsers? I'd really prefer not to use either of those, and have been using Safari for years on my mac.

    • James_M Posts: 4,880 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

      October 2021


      @beachgirl is supported on Safari, I've included a link as well as the currently supported versions. The OP was having an issue on Firefox, and trying a different browser is just a suggested step to troubleshooting.

      If you are experiencing an issue logging in to your account, please start a new post, so we can assist.

      System Requirements for Using

      Supported Browsers

      A supported web browser needs to be used in order to access all features on


      • Chrome 69 or newer
      • Firefox 63 or newer
      • Windows (OS) with Edge Browser v16


      • Chrome 69 or newer
      • Firefox 63 Enterprise Service Release (ESR)
      • Firefox 63 or newer
      • Safari11 or newer
    • Randy_S Posts: 514 Spectrum Employee

      October 2021


      Hello @beachgirl,

      The full list of supported browsers is here and it does show you can use Safari 11 or newer.



    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      October 2021 edited October 2021


      Just for the record, I now can't log into my Spectrum account, even on the second try. Today the first try shows the following error on a separate page:

      This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



      <message>Forwarding error for request URI = /sign-in-redirect ,VIP = null and Host(s) =</message>


      The second and subsequent login attempts clear the page and show a spinning circle until I give up after 4-5 minutes. I'm using Edge Version 94.0.992.38 (Official build) (64-bit).

    • James_M Posts: 4,880 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

      October 2021



      When you log in to your account, are you going to ?

    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      October 2021



      No, I was going to another bookmarked login page. When I use the address you posted it works the first time and, so far, subsequent times as well. So looking much better. Will see how it goes and report any future issues. Thank you for the suggestion.

    • Old_Timer Posts: 10 Participant

      October 2021


      Yes, I bookmarked the new link after testing it out a few times. Still good this morning. Thanks again.


    This discussion has been closed.


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    Error on first account login attempt (2025)


    Why do I keep getting Microsoft login attempts? ›

    The multiple sign-in attempts from different locations could be due to someone trying to access your account. The good news is that unsuccessful sign-in attempts mean your account remains secure.

    How long does Microsoft Office lock you out for a wrong password? ›

    The first lockout time is 24 hours, in view of your current situation, the number of attempts may make your account locked for a long period of time, it is recommended to wait for at least 24 hours before attempting to log in to your account.

    How many login attempts does Hotmail allow? ›

    Usually, if you enter your password incorrectly 3 times in a row, it will lock. If you enter your password incorrectly twice, then enter it correctly, the 2 incorrect attempts will be forgotten.

    How many attempts to login to Gmail? ›

    A failed login attempt is defined as 6 consecutive unsuccessful login attempts made from a device, with each subsequent unsuccessful attempt counting as an additional failed attempt.

    Why does Microsoft keep saying my account is locked? ›

    If you tried to sign in to your account and received a message that it's been locked, it's because activity associated with your account might violate our Terms of Use.

    How do I get rid of Microsoft login prompt? ›

    Select Sign-in Options: Go to the “Sign-in options” tab in Accounts. Adjust Preferences: Look for “Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts”. It's on by default. Switch it off to stop the prompts.

    How many login attempts does Microsoft allow? ›

    Windows security baselines recommend configuring a threshold of 10 invalid sign-in attempts, which prevents accidental account lockouts and reduces the number of Help Desk calls, but doesn't prevent a DoS attack.

    How long does Microsoft account lockout last? ›

    The Account lockout duration value will be set to 30 minutes by default once you set the value of Account lockout duration. You can change the value of Account lockout duration between 0~99999 minutes. If the value is 0, the account will remain locked out until an administrator unlocks it manually.

    How many password attempts before lock? ›

    Account Lockout Threshold represents how many invalid passwords a user can attempt before locking out the account. A setting of three invalid logon attempts is usually considered adequate. If the number is too low, a simple typo could result in an account being locked out.

    How to find out who is trying to log into your Microsoft account? ›

    Select Review activity to check for any unusual sign-in attempts on the Recent activity page. If you see account activity that you're sure wasn't yours, let us know and we can help secure your account—if it's in the Unusual activity section, you can expand the activity and select This wasn't me.

    Why are there so many failed login attempts? ›

    Maybe you have an activity log that shows you that somebody is logging in with unfamiliar credentials. Maybe, it's a username like admin, even though that's not the username of your admin account. If you are getting too many failed login attempts emails, in all likelihood, your site is under a brute-force attack.

    How do I check where my Microsoft account is logged in? ›

    If you get an email about unusual activity on your Microsoft account, or if you're worried that someone else might have used your account, go to the Recent activity page. You'll see when your Microsoft account was signed in during the last 30 days, along with any device or app-specific info.

    How to check if someone tried to login to your Google Account? ›

    Check for suspicious account activity
    1. Go to your Google Account.
    2. On the left navigation panel, click Security.
    3. On the Recent security events panel, click Review security events.
    4. Review your recent activity and look for unfamiliar locations or devices.

    How long does Gmail lock you out after failed attempts? ›

    Account recovery requests can be delayed for a few hours or a number of days, depending on a variety of risk factors. For example, if you added more security to your account by setting up 2-Step Verification, your account recovery request might be delayed for longer.

    How do I get rid of too many failed attempts in Gmail? ›

    Use a device where you've signed in beforeChoose a familiar Wi-Fi network, such as at home or work. If you're using a VPN, disable it. If you have too many failed attempts, it's best to try again in 24-48 hours.

    Is someone trying to log into my Microsoft account? ›

    If you get an email about unusual activity on your Microsoft account, or if you're worried that someone else might have used your account, go to the Recent activity page. You'll see when your Microsoft account was signed in during the last 30 days, along with any device or app-specific info.

    Why is Microsoft keep asking for password? ›

    There could be several reasons why your Microsoft account keeps asking you to sign in. One possible reason is that your browser is not set up to remember your login information. Another reason could be that there is an issue with your account or with the Microsoft website.

    How do I get rid of Microsoft login on lock screen? ›

    Type netplwiz in the search on the taskbar and press enter, select your user, if the "user must enter a username and password to use this computer" box is NOT checked, please check it , click Apply. Then uncheck the box and click Apply.

    Why does my email keep saying login failed? ›

    An "Authentication Failed" error means the email server cannot verify that your email access is authorized. This is typically due to a mistyped password, but it can also be caused by an incorrect username, connecting to the wrong server, or blacklisting.

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    Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.