Rewriting destiny - Chapter 4 - Deadly_Tree (2024)

Chapter Text

Tsunade was still not completely convinced about where a 12 year old gennin got so much confidential information so easily, Hiruzen was relieved that his effort to change an obsolete law would not be forgotten with his death, meanwhile Iruka was in a cold sweat at what this room could reveal about him and Naruto.

– Naruto, how did you get this information? – Tsunade asked at the limit of her curiosity, and again all the attention in the room was on the little blonde, all this attention made the little jinchuuriki feel uncomfortable.

– Well... let's just say the Records Room isn't as well guarded as it should be. – Said Naruto, starting to shrink in preparation for what would come next.

– Did you break into the Konoha Records Room? – Tsunade shouted in shock, making the blonde shrink more to become a smaller target. Everyone in the room was stunned by the news, with the exception of Tenzou and a hooded ninja in the back of the room who knew about it.

– It's not like that's the only place I've entered without permission. – Murmured the Uzumaki, sitting upright again, but because of the silence in the room, everyone heard. – Anyway, we have a song to listen to.

– Our conversation is not over yet. – He spoke to Senju a little rudely, making Naruto flinch again and shake slightly, only Iruka noticed the state of his former student and decided to intervene.

– Hokage-Sama, calm down. – Umino said, he knew what Naruto had gone through in his childhood and saw in the blonde's way of behaving that he was remembering past aggressions. – I'm sure everything will be explained over time, so please be patient. – Tsunade was ready to refute Iruka's argument when she looked at Naruto and saw the boy's condition.

- He is well. – She gave in, as Hokage she wanted answers but as a doctor she knew that the smiling boy was on the verge of a panic attack. – But I will demand these answers. – She said finally.

Tsunade couldn't get this newly acquired worry out of her head, if the loud and smiling blonde she met and got attached to on the trip was real then when had he changed? When was the last time she saw Naruto? Had he visited her friends at Konoha Hospital since she treated them? Why didn't she remember seeing Naruto at her Inauguration Ceremony as Hokage? This ceremony was mandatory, he wouldn't miss it, right? With a snap Senju remembered that the change in mood started after an anbu's visit when they arrived at the village, luckily this anbu came with her to the room so she could ask later.

Directly from Konoha

I saw a little boy born

– It had to be Konoha! – Tsuchikage complained

– Did you want it to be Iwa? – Asked the late Kazekage Rasa. – Let Konoha have its secrets revealed.

And your parents did everything

To be able to protect you

– Look, Minato, it's about us! – Exclaimed Kushina in whispers

– Maybe now we find out what his childhood was like. – Minato said with a smile. – The village must love him since he is our son.

All that was going through the Sandaime Hokage's head was how screwed he could be at the end of this song, the Jounnin-Senseis and advisors were sweating cold because of the secrets that the song would reveal, meanwhile Naruto listened to everything the verses said with a straight face. oblivious to the small chaos about to erupt around him.

Of a giant fox

That had like nine tails

– Is he talking about the Kyuubi's attack from 12 years ago? – Ino asked her sensei who was in a cold sweat due to the direction the song was taking.

– Yes, Ino. – Asuma replied, he couldn't let the nervousness in her voice pass through.

With exuberant power

But for the village a threat

– Put a threat on it! – Kurenai commented bitterly. – Countless people died in an attack that lasted less than an hour.

– Luckily Yondaime-Sama managed to stop it before it had any more fatalities. – Gai said.

As much as Naruto knows he had barely lived for an hour when the attack happened it still hurt to hear it, it had been years of listening to the villagers blame him for what the fox did that now he naturally felt guilty for every death mentioned, including that of your parents. “If I hadn't been born, they wouldn't have died” thought the blonde in a self-deprecating spiral, he was so deep in thought that he barely noticed Kakashi putting his hand on his shoulder.

- Are you well? – asked the albino in worried whispers.

– Yes, I am, Kakashi-Sensei. – The Uzumaki replied, smiling a heart-melting smile. Hatake didn't believe it, but he preferred to wait for the little one to come until he asked for help, a big mistake. Over the years Naruto trained tirelessly so that he could give a beautiful smile even in the worst moments, now even if he was irreparably broken physically and mentally he could still smile, not even he knew how to differentiate his fake smile from everyday life to the rare and genuine true smile that only one person has seen.

Summoned and brought

– We always suspected that she had been summoned. – Kurenai commented looking at her fellow senseis

– But this is the definitive proof that was needed. – Asuma continued looking at his beloved.

– Now we just need to find out by whom. – Kakashi said, looking at the missing-nins.

- It's because. – Gai concluded looking at Kakashi, he knew how the death of the Yondaime and his wife had shaken his friend.

By the masked ninja

At that moment, all heads turned towards the masked Akatsuki ninja, regardless of whether they were alive or dead, even the missing-nin looked at “Tobi” as if he had grown a second head.

– Now that we know the “who” we need to know the “why”. – Iruka commented.

– They can’t be suspicious of Tobi. – Deidara said indignantly. – He is incapable of harming a fly!

– This idiot really is harmless. – Hidan said, receiving skeptical looks from Pain, Konan and Itachi, as well as doubtful looks from all the ninjas who were not part of Akatsuki.

– But... Dei-Nii. – The blonde began, drawing everyone's attention to himself. – If he is so harmless then what is he doing in a criminal organization of S-Rank renegades? – Naruto asked, making everyone doubt the masked man's innocence.

– No, he definitely did something to deserve to be close to us. – Said Hidan, not wanting to give in, giving a middle finger to Deidara when he saw the mocking look of “Didn’t you just say he was harmless?” of the blonde. – He did something like… like… – He started looking at his companions for help from someone who knew what he did, but he was ignored.

– Like... throwing a biju in the middle of the village? – Naruto suggested as if he was trying to help Hidan.

- That! Exactly. – Hidan said, but soon realized what he agreed with. - Wait! No! – He corrected, but with the clear question of “So what was it?” that Naruto gave with the look the immortal exploded. – I don’t know, damn it! Ask that sink drain if it's so curious. – With that all eyes turned to the masked man again.

- It's a secret. – Obito said in his childish voice while cursing his sensei's son for noticing the flaw in his character.

whose origin was

Totally unknown

- Good question. – Commented the Tsuchikage. – What village did you come from?

- Any place. – Tobi replied. – Just as Zetsu-Senpai was born from an aloe plant, I was born from a rock in a cave. – With that, everyone laughed at the masked man's comment and forgot the question.

The whole village together

About to collapse

– How much destruction did the biju cause? – Asked the Raikage.

– A third of the village and several deaths of ninjas and civilians. – Replied the Sandaime Hokage.

But your father the Hokage

Finally appeared

- Wait! – Ino exclaimed. – Did Yondaime-Sama have children? How did we not know this? – With that, both Minato and Kushina began to be worried about their son, when they looked at Hiruzen in search of an explanation, but when they saw him look away, hatred began to afflict the couple.

– Yes, Ino, he only had one son. – Asuma began.

– He must be our age then. – Sakura began. - Who is he? – She asked but being ignored by everyone while the target of the conversation was making a face.

On a night that would mark

The end of your legacy

– The death of Yondaime-Sama. – Commented Tenten.

– At least he still has his mother, right? – Temari asked, but no one who knew the answer could face the blonde from Suna.

And your mother Kushina

Also next door would die

– Forget that I opened my mouth. – She corrected herself immediately

– So... Who do we know who is our age and is an orphan? – Kiba asked.

– I would hit you right now for being insensitive if it weren't the only way to describe this unknown person. – Shino replied reluctantly.

– So we're looking for a blonde boy with no parents. – Shikamaru said, looking sideways at Naruto.

– He may have taken after his mother. – Rebutted Ino for no reason other than feminism.

– I agree with Ino, pig. – Sakura said, looking at the deceased. – Which one of you is Kushina-San? – The pinkette asked, looking at the beautiful woman with fiery hair.

– Ok... Do any of you know someone with red hair? Why I don't know. – Lee asked.

– I didn't even know there were redheads in Konoha. – Konohamaru said, getting into the middle of the conversation, he knew that the Yondaime was Naruto's favorite Hokage so he researched everything he could about him and ended up becoming a fan too, but his boss and older brother still came first on the podium. little Sarutobi.

– He may have died during the attack. – Moegi said.

– If he had died in the attack, the music wouldn’t talk about him. – Iruka said, feeling bad just thinking about the possibility of Naruto dying.

– So we're after a blond boy our age and an orphan. – Ino said, still trying to find out who he was. – But all the blondes in the village are from the Yamanaka clan, except the mother of the big girl and the... – She stopped while everyone in the room stared at Naruto.

- What? – The Uzumaki asked, uncomfortable with all the attention focused on him. – Do you think I'm the Yondaime's son? – He asked, receiving a nod of agreement from Yamanaka. – Do you really think I would do even half the things I did if I knew they were my parents?

– Good point. – He told Haruno to the horror of the blonde's parents.

– Now I’m curious, what did he do? – Asked Temari, amused by the face that the Konoha 12 and their senseis made.

– The day before the academy graduation test he vandalized the Hokage Monument. – Said the Uchiha from team 7, with the exception of the Sandaime Hokage and the Konoha ninjas, everyone had their chins touching the ground.

– He did a lot of mischief around the village and even managed to lose several Jounnins and ambus. – Said Sakura. – Iruka-sensei was the only one who could catch him. – Naruto opened a slight smile at the mention.

– How incompetent are the Konoha ninjas if even a child who wasn't even a gennin could escape them? – Asked the late Kazekage, dripping venom in his speech.

– What level is this teacher? – He asked Terumi.

– I am a chunin, Mizukage-Sama. – Iruka replied, trying not to stutter in front of a Kage.

– I never understood how Naruto-kun did that. – Hinata murmured.

– Guys, we lost focus here! – Ino said, to the chagrin of Konoha's senseis and counselors. – We still haven't found out who Yondaime-Sama's son is.

– I'm sure it will be revealed soon, patience Ino. – Asuma said to try to buy time for the revelation.

Naruto received there

- WHAT? – The gennins and the Konohamaru team shouted, only Naruto didn't shout.

– Is Naruto-Baka the son of Yondaime-Sama? – Sakura asked, shocked.

– How come we never found out about this? – Ino demanded.

– Why didn’t you ever tell us? – Kiba asked.

– Because I didn’t know. – Replied the Uzumaki.

– You seem very calm for someone who didn't know anything. – Retorted the Inuzuka.

– Maybe the penny hasn’t sunk in yet? – Rebutted the blonde, but the excuse didn't go over well with his sensei.

– Naruto, be honest, did you already know that? – Hatake asked.

– Sorry, Kakashi-Sensei, but the law requires me to say no. – Naruto replied to the shock of everyone in the room with the exception of Umino and the deceased Sarutobi.

– What law? – Tsunade asked, still numb from the revelation.

– The law that prevents anyone who knows the truth from telling me who my parents were. – Replied the Uzumaki.

– And who told you? – Danzo asked, trying to hide his real reason for wanting the answer.

– It seems like I'm going to respond while the law is still in force. – Rebutted the blonde in a cynical manner.

– Not because of that. – Said Hiruzen. – I repeal this law, after all it is useless now. – With that Iruka was about to speak when Naruto's response shut him up.

– With all due respect jiji but... you're dead. – Said Naruto, shocking everyone who knew him. – Your orders do not have the same value, only Baa-chan can revoke the law now.

– He's right, sensei. – Said Jiraiya. – The advisors can use the fact that you are dead to override their order and accuse the person who told Naruto the truth.

– Looking at it from this angle... – Tsunade said. – Very well, as Godaime Hokage I revoke the law. – Said the blonde, to the dismay of the counselors. – Now tell me who it was.

– I discovered it myself by researching. – Said Naruto. – Iruka-Sensei just confirmed it when I asked.

– And when did you find out about this? – Ino asked, lowering her gossip spirit.

– One day before team selection. – Naruto replied simply.

– And why didn’t you ever tell us? – Sasuke asked, irritated by the blonde keeping secrets.

– Maybe because until half a minute ago it was prohibited? – Gaara asked, irritated by the Uchiha's tone.

– What do you have to say about this, Hiruzen? – Tobirama asked his student.

– I already knew about that. – Said the Sandaime to the shock of everyone in the room. – I was watching Naruto at the time he asked Iruka.

– And why didn’t you do anything? – Danzo asked irritably.

– Because Naruto found out on his own so he had no reason to accuse Iruka. – Sarutobi replied.

– How about we get back to music? – Kankurou asked, making everyone silent and making the music continue.

The imprisoned cloak

- What does that mean? – Choji asked

– I'm not sure, for now it's just a theory. – Shikamaru replied, looking between Naruto and Gaara.

Keeping the fox inside

And the power it held

- What does that mean? – Sakura asked the blonde.

– Well... – Naruto started nervously, he knew the risks but he also knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth was revealed so he decided to bite the bullet and then just get around the crisis while no one can use chakra. – I have the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside me.

– Like the boy from Suna? – Kiba asked with a little fear, which didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.

– Yes, Kiba, exactly like Gaara. – Said Naruto, hurt by his friend's reaction.

– So you're a freak like him? – Sakura asked excitedly.

- And if I go? – Naruto asked, offended. - Some problem?

– Actually, yes I do. – Sakura replied, remembering that she almost died by Gaara's hands.

- Me too. – Ino said, taking in her friend's pain as she remembered hearing that Sasuke almost died for the redhead.

– Well... those who are uncomfortable should leave. – Naruto said, trying to hide the sadness that was growing uncontrollably in his chest.

– It's not like it's going to change anything. – Shikamaru said, yawning.

- That's right. – Choji agreed. – He’s still our best friend with whom we skipped school together.

– The only difference is that now I know where that strange chakra you used in our fight at Chunnin Shiken came from. – Neji said, receiving agreement from his team.

– I couldn't be more proud of you two than I am right now. – Asuma said. – As for you, Ino, I'm disappointed in you.

– I am really proud of my golden students that I am teaching. – Gai said with tears in his eyes.

– Why did you hit me Kurenai-Sensei? – Kiba asked when he received a slap on the head. – I didn't do anything wrong this time.

– The way you said it hurt Naruto. – Kurenai explained. – Wasn’t he your friend?

– I have no problems with Naruto. – Kiba said, offended for having accused him. – But you didn't see what the redhead did in the Forest of Death during the exam.

- What did he do? – Kurenai asked skeptically.

– He killed three Ame ninjas just because of the way they looked at him. – Shino replied.

– We know that Naruto-kun wouldn't do something like that, but that doesn't erase what we saw there. – Hinata added, trying hard not to stutter.

– I'm really disappointed in you, Sakura. – Kakashi said, the pinkette turned to the Uchiha for support but all she found was a look of disgust staring at her.

– Well... there was a small mistake on this subject. – Minato said, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

– What do you mean by that, Sensei? – Kakashi asked, suspicious of what his sensei would say.

– It's just that Naruto is not a pure-blood Uzumaki. – The Namikaze started. – Even with large chakra reserves it was impossible for him to have the entire Kyuubi sealed in him as a baby, that's why I only sealed half of the fox in Naruto, the “good” half to be more exact. – The Yondaime concluded, making quotation marks with his hands.

– And where is the other half sealed? – Jiraiya asked his student.

- Inside of me. – Minato said, scratching the back of his head in a sign of embarrassment. – I ended up dying before warning the Sandaime about it. – He concluded, putting the matter closed.

– Hey, boss. – Deidara called softly so that only the missing-nin could hear. – How about we give up Foxy and get the sealed half from the Hokage when we get back?

– And how would we do that, Deidara? – Asked Konan after Pain had ignored the blonde missing-nin. – Have you forgotten that he is dead?

– But didn't that human snake keep bragging about a jutsu that revived the dead? – It reminded me of the missing-nin from Iwa. – We convinced him to temporarily revive the Yondaime to absorb his bijuu and we didn't even need to set foot in Konoha.

– As much as I hate Orochimaru, I have to agree that Deidara's plan is good and can work. – Itachi said to the shock of the Akatsukis who knew about the two's eternal fight.

– If Itachi-San was able to agree with Deidara to call Orochimaru then I support the plan while preparing for the end of the world, neeh. – Kisame said, needling the blonde.

– As much as I don't really trust the reason behind Deidara's request, I have to agree that it's a good plan with quick results, which is good for me as I hate wasting time. – Sasori agreed.

– I'm not sure this will work. – Zetsu said. – Better go after the boy.

– If that’s the case, then what guarantee do you have that just his share will be enough, hnn? – Rebutted Deidara. – If it's not enough we'll still have to get it from the dead man, so it's better to get it from the Yondaime first and make sure we don't need the boy.

– I agree with Zetsu-Senpai. – Tobi said. – We shouldn't take any chances.

– And I agree with Deidara. – Kisame replied. – We don’t need to take more lives than necessary. – Explained the swordsman. – If there is a way to have the bijuu without killing a child, then there is no reason to be debating it.

– I agree with the aloe, we have to kill the boy to get the bijuu. – Hidan said. – I will transform him into a sacrifice for my God Jashin.

– You always want to kill people for no reason, Hidan, of course you would agree with these two. – Kakuzu said, rolling his eyes. – To prevent a tie, I abstain. Choose whatever you want and I will support the boss's final decision.

– It’s just the two of us left now. – Konan said to Pain. – And, honestly, I'm inclined to support Deidara's plan.

– For now, let's take advantage of the fact that the boy's bijuu is the last one we need to decide better over time. – The leader finally decided. – There’s still a lot to happen before we return to base. – With that he closed the matter.

And time passed

An Uchiha returns home

This sentence was enough to make Sasuke freeze in his place, this act did not go unnoticed by the Uzumaki who was worried about his friend. On the other side of the room, Itachi was also trying hard to hide how he felt, with his eyes closed and his mind full of flashbacks to the night of the massacre, the two Uchihas fought back the tears to stop them from falling.

And see your clan members

There, completely annihilated

– So the Uchihas were exterminated? – Asked the Nidaime Hokage. - My dream came true.

– Tobirama! For the love of Rikudou! – Exclaimed the Shodaime Hokage, horrified by what his brother said. – Stop this silly prejudice against the Uchihas. – With that Tobirama snorted, rolling his eyes but remained silent.

The blood marked

Where young Sasuke walked

Everyone was staring at the young Uchiha with pitiful looks, but Naruto started to signal them to stop before he noticed but it was too late.

– What are you looking at? – Asked the Uchiha irritated. – I don't need your pity. – With that, everyone looked away, still shocked by the fact that the Uzumaki had been right when trying to warn them, he in turn had his forehead resting on his hand, mentally wondering why they never believed him.

Slowly to your door

And when you open it, the culprit is

Sasuke began to glare at his brother with hatred, wanting to jump on Itachi's neck, while the Raven Prince was trying to hide his feelings with his usual mask of indifference. Each of the Uchiha brothers was receiving discreet support from those around them, Kisame had his hand resting on his thigh to convey support, while Sakura was trying to calm Sasuke without any success, she seemed to be only serving to irritate him more.

– Think about it, Teme, it’s barely been a month since he humiliated you in your fight. – Naruto whispered for only his team to hear, now Sasuke was about to explode, meanwhile Sakura was giving a lecture to Naruto who ignored her. – At that time he didn't even need his chakra to stop you and your chidori. – With that, the target of the Uchiha's angry gaze turned to the blonde. – What do you think you can do without chakra against someone with years of experience in the ambu? – Despite himself, he calmed down.

- I'll kill him. – Said Sasuke, still irritated.

– Then choose the right battlefield. – Rebutted the Uzumaki, still in whispers. – A good ninja not only knows the limits of his opponent but also his own limit.

Your parents lying on the floor

Itachi with that look

Everyone in the room was holding their breath, as if they anticipated there would be a bloodbath in front of them if they interfered.

And it shows through the illusion

How did you manage to murder

– Did you show him how he killed his own family? – Hidan asked. - Cum! I'm not even that cruel, I liked it.

– Shut up, Hidan. – Itachi said, facing the immortal with his active mangekyou sharingan.

– Damn, I can't even praise you more. – He said the albino sullenly.

Saying that the source to obtain power and win

It's hate to feed

If hate grows it makes you stronger

But first you will have to take revenge

– It was so fast that I got dizzy. – He said Ino with her hand on her head.

– But you always were stupid, pig. – Sakura needled, starting an argument with Yamanaka.

– Just to be sure, but you know that’s not the right answer, right? – Naruto asked.

– What are you talking about now, dobe? – The Uchiha asked harshly.

– When you attack an enemy with a lot of hatred, you become blind to the imminent dangers around you. – Said the blonde, to the shock of his friend and sensei who was eavesdropping on other people's conversations. – Be careful not to lose sight of the real danger.

- As? – Asked Sasuke, still in shock but being ignored by Naruto.

– That’s enough, you two. – Kurenai said authoritatively, putting an end to the discussion between the two friends.

And in the country of wind sand dune

In Sunagakure

Those mentioned froze as they became the new targets of the song, but without knowing what could be said, Rasa was in a cold sweat afraid of what he would say about his village.

A young man suffering without a mirage

As usual

With that, the eyes of the Sabaku family turned to Gaara, who in turn was confused with what he should feel, he was very new when it came to understanding feelings, after all it had only been a month since he started paying attention to his own emotions.

He was treated like a monster

By anyone in your village

Even though he didn't realize it, Gaara received looks of understanding from the ten jinchuurikis, including Minato and Kushina.

Almost everyone except your uncle

Your source of life

Temari and Kankurou were remembering their late uncle with sadness and were wondering why Gaara had killed him when the redhead was blatantly Yashamaru's favorite, meanwhile Rasa was almost dying again from panic at what would be said next.

But on another cold night

All this would change

– Are you sure they’re going to talk about this? – Murmured Naruto, being heard by Shikamaru.

– Worried about what he said in Lee's room? – Nara asked, drawing the attention of the Konoha gennins and their senseis to the conversation.

– Almost that, Shika. – Naruto replied, throwing a sad smile at his friend. – After the exam I kept in touch with Gaara and he told me his story in more detail and it's just downhill.

– And how could it get worse? – Nara asked, afraid of the answer, Naruto just nodded and didn't say anything else.

They attack Gaara

And his own sand defended him

– Who attacked you? – Lee asked Gaara but was ignored

He didn't do anything wrong

They just tried to kill him

– So far, nothing different from what I heard. – Shikamaru said softly. Naruto squeezed his own hands tightly, drawing blood from his palm, this worried his friends and senseis as he was nothing like the usual noisy blond.

And when Yashamaru saw him

Finally his floor falls

– Who is Yashamaru? – Kiba asked when he saw the older Sabaku brothers cover their mouths in shock.

– Our uncle that the song had just spoken about. – Gaara said simply, making everyone shocked by the redhead's calmness, Shikamaru finally put the last piece together in his head as to why the Uzumaki was in such a bad way, his own father ordered his uncle to kill Gaara and obviously it was his uncle who died.

All eyes turned to the side of the revived when they heard a dry thud sound, that's when they saw a woman with earthy brown hair with her hand clenched into a fist and the Yondaime Kazekage sprawled on the floor with her hand over her bleeding nose.

– What the f*ck did you do to our son, Rasa? – Karura asked, casting a homicidal aura towards her husband. – I know my brother, he would never do something like this if YOU hadn't ordered it as Kazekage.

– Karura, listen... – Rasa began but was cut off by his wife.

– f*ck the reason. – Karura replied rudely. – While we are in this room, you are prohibited from coming near my children. – She ordered, putting an end to any discussion with her husband. – And you, Yashamaru. – The aforementioned man prepared to be beaten when he received his sister's attention. – I'm really disappointed in you, what did you have in mind to accept an order like that. – After letting everything out, the Sabaku matriarch stopped to breathe deeply. – I don't want to talk to either of them until I find out the level of damage they left on Gaara, and Rasa... – She said, turning her attention to her husband. – I want a divorce! Without discussion! – After the little spectacle no one had the courage to say anything.

He started to hate

And leave love aside

– Worst way to face trauma. – Lee said, shaking his head.

– I was 6 years old and the only person who loved me tried to kill me. – Gaara responded calmly. – It wasn't the best time to make an important decision and there was no one to show me that I was wrong, everyone who got close to me tried to kill me. – Explained the redhead, Gaara didn't know why he was so desperate to explain himself to Lee.

And kill any and all shinobi

What contradicts it

– So there’s no way to hate him after hearing that. – Kiba said sullenly.

– Don't start, Kiba. – Shino replied.

Naruto was judged

For everyone also a burden

– You are not a burden, Naruto. – Iruka said, giving the blonde a comforting smile.

- True. – Konohamaru agreed.

- Thanks. – Said the Uzumaki with a slight smile.

Sad with the way they looked

And the contempt of the village itself

- How much drama. – Sakura said, rolling her eyes, she knew that Naruto was different from Gaara, but she always hated that Sasuke always paid more attention to Naruto than to her.

In the failed beginning

Following without direction

Until Mizuki deceives him

In order to deceive him

– Are you really going to talk about that day? – Naruto asked, shrinking.

– True, I never saw Mizuki-sensei again. – Kiba commented.

– Village gossip says he freaked out and was hospitalized. – Ino said, leaning over to spread what she heard.

– Nothing. - Tenten began. – I heard there was an attack in the forest and he ended up dying in combat.

– I heard he retired. – Said Sakura.

After failing your graduation exam

– That reminds me that Naruto never told us how he graduated if he failed the exam. – Shikamaru said, making everyone's attention turn to the blonde.

– I'm sure the music will say it soon. – Said Naruto with a red face while scratching the back of his head, this act only served to make everyone more curious.

Made him come in

And steal

The Hokage's residence

Even with Naruto preparing for this, the uproar that turned the room with this revelation was still deafening, in this mess it was possible to hear Deidara's proud laughter, the noise continued for a while longer until they decided that the music would give more answers than the noise of the room.

Saying that the parchment

I had the solution

What could help you

So don't fail

– What scroll, Naruto? – Tsunade asked, still in shock.

– The forbidden scroll with the Hokage jutsus. – Naruto replied, his face still burning with embarrassment.

– At least you didn't open the parchment, right? – Minato asked, worried about his son, but he didn't respond. - It is not? – The Yondaime insisted.

– I swear I didn't get past the first jutsu. – Said Naruto to the shock of everyone except the Sandaime and the Jounnins who already knew the story. – And, honestly, I don’t regret it.

– What jutsu was that? – Kushina asked with the constant concern of a mother.

– The jutsu I needed to pass the graduation exam. – Naruto said, receiving looks of confusion.

– Naruto can't do a bushin. – Iruka said, trying to help his considerate son.

– It's not my fault, Iruka-sensei. – Said Naruto, pouting. – It's the fox seal's fault that it doesn't let me do jutsus that use little chakra.

– I don't know what's more unbelievable. – Tsuchikage started. – A child thinks he can break into a Kage's house or he actually succeeds.

– It was actually easier than hacking into the ambu mission records. – Murmured the blonde, but due to the silence in the room, everyone heard.

- Wants to know. – Tsunade said with her hands up in a sign of surrender. – It doesn't even surprise me anymore. – She said finally. – Answer me, why?

– The stories are more interesting. – Said Naruto. – And there is no one there judging me or saying that I had to die. – He murmured again, being heard by everyone.

– Are you sure you broke into the ambu records room to read stories? – Iruka asked, trying to take people's attention away from Naruto's next sentence.

– It's not my fault, Iruka-sensei. – Said the blonde. – It's the fault of the ambus who write the mission report as if it were an adventure book. - He said. - I could not resist.

– That's no excuse, Naruto. – Kakashi said, reprimanding his student.

– But Kakashi-Sensei, you were one of the authors I liked most. – Naruto replied. – His suicide missions were one of the reasons for my addiction. – He said. – Even if I failed to describe the details of the scene, it was still one of the best stories I've ever read.

– Thank you but I’m not a writer. – Hatake said, dismissing the idea.

– He would be famous if he turned around. – Said Naruto, not giving up. – If even Ero-Sennin became famous writing p*rnography then why wouldn’t you keep writing adventures?

– But it's not like I'm going to be able to beat Jardim dos Amassos or Bosque dos Apaixonados. – Hatake said trying to end the discussion.

– What is the Forest of Lovers? – Konohamaru asked.

– It is a famous book series by an anonymous author. – Said Kurenai. – It is generally read by women as it describes the male body in more detail than Jardim dos Amassos.

– The work is less than a year old and the author publishes it once every two months. – Asuma continued. – It won’t take long for Bosque dos Apaixonados to surpass Jardim dos Amassos in sales.

– What do you mean by that Asuma? – The frog Sannin asked, offended.

– Only that, while women are described in great detail, men seem like clones with different names and hairstyles. – Needed Naruto. – Bosque dos Apaixonados is much more realistic.

– The protagonist is an exiled elf. – Jiraiya argued. – A character who has a crush on another man.

– Its protagonist is a womanizer who should have already been castrated in the first volume. – Naruto replied. – Not to mention that the plot is repetitive.

– The spicy scenes in Bosque dos Apaixonados seem to be written by someone who tested what was written on their skin. – He spoke to Mizukage Terumi with a seductive smile. – Jardim dos Amassos seems to have been written by a virgin in puberty. – She said with a bored expression, making the Sannin blush embarrassed.

– Now I want to read this book. – Kushina said, making the blonde Uzumaki's blood run cold.

– How about we listen to the music again? – Naruto asked, forcing a smile.

- Wait one moment. – Sakura said, drawing the room's attention to her. – Naruto, have you read these books?

– Only the first from Jardim dos Amassos. – Said the blonde, giving up. – But when I asked people who read the other volumes, they said that the story is almost the same in all volumes.

– What about the Forest of Lovers? – Hatake asked.

- All. – Naruto said, looking away while he blushed slightly.

– We'll talk about this later. – Said the copy ninja.

– We definitely will. – Umino agreed.

Iruka seeks the truth

Discover the action

– I still don't understand who this Mizuki guy is and what he has to do with this story. – Said Mei Terumi.

– He was a chunnin instructor at the academy. – Sandaime Hiruzen began. – He was arrested after manipulating Naruto into stealing the scroll and then trying to kill him and Iruka. – He concluded, putting the matter as closed.

Naruto hears that it's just another monster

In society

– Is that when you discovered it? – Shikamaru asked.

- He was. – The blonde replied with a small smile on his face.

So he can understand

What was the truth

- How it was? – Chōji asked his friend.

– It should have been desperate, but it wasn’t. – The blonde began. – It was as if almost all the pieces had fallen into place and I could finally see the complete picture of my life story.

- Almost all? – Kiba asked.

– I still didn’t know who my parents were. – Naruto started. – So I spent a while wondering why my parents had abandoned me after letting the Yondaime seal the fox in me.

– I never said they abandoned you. – Hiruzen said, afraid of what Kushina and Tsunade would do if he didn't give a decent excuse.

– But I never said they died either. – Rebutted the blonde. – The village, on the other hand, didn't miss the opportunity to throw this in my face.

– You couldn't know who your parents were. – Hiruzen said calmly, this time his concern was about how his negligence affected the boy. – It was for your safety.

– What a lie! – Naruto replied, already starting to get excited. – I just had to say that they were civilians killed during the attack, or ninjas killed on a mission. – He listed better options than silence. – I could have even said that they were from the ambu and that was why there was no grave to visit. – Everyone was in shock at the possibilities that the blonde pointed out that would give him a less painful life, the most shocked was the Sandaime Hokage for noticing how wrong his decision was. With the heavy atmosphere in the room, which not even the missing-nin had the courage to speak about, the music continued.

And after seeing the shadow clone jutsu

It was late

– How many can you make? – Tobirama asked, partly he was trying to reduce the bad atmosphere in the room and partly he was curious about the ability of the boy who could go head to head with his student.

– At least a hundred. – Said Naruto, to the surprise of those who hadn't seen the scene yet. – If I'm rested or in danger of life, I can force myself to do almost twice as much. – Now it was the turn of those who had already seen the 100 clones to be surprised. – But I don't use it because afterwards I can't even move due to tiredness and headache.

Iruka hands over his banana

And make him a gennin

– Pure nepotism. – Shikamaru said between yawns.

– Everyone knows that Iruka-sensei always liked Naruto more than us. – concluded Chōji.

- Nothing to see! – Exclaimed Kiba. – Naruto is not Iruka-sensei’s favorite!

– How about we listen to the music again? – Umino asked, trying to make conversation.

– See how he didn’t confirm it. – Kiba said with his chest puffed out because he was right.

– But he didn’t deny it either. – Shino replied to the Inuzuka's bad mood. – Now shut up.

Excited thought

Someone believed in me

- And me? – Hatake asked, pretending to be hurt. – I don't tell?

- Clear! Even because we talked a lot before the formation of team 7! – He said sarcastically, making the albino relive every moment with the blonde while he was an ambu.

- Wait! Did you know each other before team 7? – Sakura asked, still digesting the information that this song brought.

– Well... – The gray man began, but was interrupted.

– That’s a story for another time. – The blonde cut off, still hurt by his friend.

– That explains the reaction that day. – Said Sasuke.

– What are you talking about? – Ino asked, curious about what her crush was saying.

– On the day the teams were announced, Kakashi-Sensei took two hours to arrive. – Said Sakura, shocking the members of the old team 7 by changing the platinum. – Naruto-Baka got tired of waiting and put an eraser on top of the door to hit anyone who entered in the head.

– But when Kakashi-Sensei entered, Naruto threw a kunai to prevent the eraser from hitting him. – Completed Sasuke. – Every time we asked him why he changed his mind, he wouldn’t talk.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke

They reach team 7

– I hate remembering that day. – Said Naruto, shaking just remembering the bell test.

- It was horrible. – Sasuke agreed, also shaking with the memory.

– I couldn't sleep for a week after that. – Sakura commented, trembling with the almost forgotten memory of the genjutsu.

– What did you do to my students, Kakashi? – Iruka asked, a little irritated.

– It was just the bell test. – Kakashi spoke as if he explained everything, but only 8 people understood what it was about, and they were the former members of team 7 (team Minato with Kushina and team Hiruzen).

– Who got stuck in the stump? – Minato asked, amused, already anticipating the answer, Naruto slowly raised his hand blushing, which made his parents stifle their laughter.

– What test is this? – Ino asked her friend.

– Didn't you pass this test? – Asked Sakura, who soon received a refusal from her friends. - Sensei! You said the test was mandatory. – She said, turning around irritably accompanied by Sasuke.

– But it is mandatory. – Minato exclaimed with a gentle smile on his face.

– It's a rite of passage exclusive to members of team 7. – Hiruzen explained. – All generations have to pass this test.

Breaking rules for others

Kakashi recognizes them

Bakashi recognizing someone for breaking rules? What world is this? The tsukuoyomy was done and no one told me?”Obito thought in shock at what the verse said, but the masked man's long silence caught the explosive blonde's attention.

– Are you okay, Tobi? – Deidara asked. – I've never seen you so quiet like this.

– Yes, I am, Deidara-Senpai. – The Uchiha said, straining his voice. – The music is really cool to listen to.

– The beat is really good. – Said the blonde without really believing the masked man's word.

And on missions they make bonds

Always walking unique

Following fortified

With every defeated enemy

– You talk as if they were the only ones who formed bonds on missions. – Said the Inuzuka sullenly.

– But weren't they the only ones to leave the village on missions before completing their first year as gennins? – Kankurou asked, for some reason he liked to see Kiba sulking for being contradicted.

Chunin exam announcement


– Now it's about the chunin exam. – Ino commented, a little sad about not having advanced to the final.

Gathering stronger gennins

From some villages

– Why not all of them? – Konohamaru asked.

– Kiri's borders are closed while Kumo has a law from the Sandaime RaikageAthat prohibits participating in exams in other villages that has not yet been repealed. – Said Naruto to little Sarutobi, surprising the respective Kages. – The Tsuchikage has an inferiority complex with Konoha and always looks for stupid reasons to declare war against us. – He said, drawing laughter from the Kages and a cry of indignation from the aforementioned. – So it seems like he would present the strength of his ninjas to the “enemy”. – The blonde concluded, making quotation marks with his hands.

– Not to mention that not all villages have ninjas. – Umino added. – Some are made up only of civilians.

There are three of them gennins

And theJounninconstituted

So many times

For a girl and two boys

– And is there any other way for the team to be formed? – Ino asked.

– There was Kabuto’s team. – Sakura said innocently.

– Sakura, Kabuto works for Orochimaru. – Naruto said to the pink girl who was shocked by the news.

– Furthermore, Ino, the previous generation of Ino-Shika-Cho was made up of three men. – Asuma replied. – There will always be cases like this that go beyond the normal rule of team formation.

Kiba, Shino and Hinata

With yourKekkeiGenkai

It's team 8

Led by Kurenai

– Of everything that was said about team 7 and that’s all that was said about our team? – Kiba asked irritably.

– Thank you for being mentioned. – Shino said darkly.

Team 9 is team Gai

Prodigies of the generation

Tenten, Neji, Rock Lee

Power above standard

– Look, Gai-sensei, it's our turn. – Lee said excitedly

– I saw it, Lee. – Said the green beast from Konoha. – This song has the flames of youth.

– Gai-sensei. – Lee said in tears

– Lee. – Gai said, crying too.

– Gai-sensei.

– Lee.

– Gai-sensei.

– Lee.

– Gai-sen...

- He arrives. – said Tenten, losing her patience. – You are making us feel ashamed.

- Some things never change. – Minato commented with an amused smile seeing the scene.

– And others seem to get worse. – Kushina commented, looking at the younger copy of Maito. – Poor Kakashi having to deal with two Gai around the village when he could barely handle one.

– Who would have thought that among the people of our time, Gai was the first to have a son. – He spoke to Nohara, making those mentioned choke.

– Lee is not my son, Rin. – Gai said to his old gym friend.

- Yet. – Neji corrected, not giving sensei space to retort.

The strength of youth

In the missions they became law

In the persistence that governs

Gai sensei's gennins

- Did you see. – Exclaimed Kiba. – Their share was greater than ours.

– They graduated a year before us. – Shino said as if it were obvious, and it was. – Of course they would be more prominent.

Team 9 intelligence

And devastating power

Ino, Shikamaru and Chōji

It's team Ino-Shika-Cho

– See, forehead, devastating power. – He needled Yamanaka.

– Shikamaru's intelligence and Chōji's strength really are a devastating power. – He replied to Haruno. – You, pig, are pretty average.

– Your village is really fun. – Kisame whispered to Itachi while seeing the shack just started by the kunoichis being supported by Kurenai.

If you want difficulty

In combat you get used to it

View competency

In the training of sensei Asuma

– Even they had a bigger share than us. – Kiba said, still indignant.

– Team Ino-Shika-Cho is considered a historical treasure of Konoha. – Shino argued, already losing patience with his colleague. – Of course they would have a bigger share.

Gaara, Kankurou and Temari

By Baki they are commanded

- Just that? – Kankurou asked indignantly.

– Did you see, Kiba? – Shino asked. – Even though they are children of a Kage, they were barely mentioned.

– But following your logic, wouldn’t they have a bigger share because they are children of a Kage? – Kiba asked with a convinced smile on his face. - Where is your God now?

– Kiba-kun don't provoke Shino-kun or he will make Akamaru get attacked by ticks.

– Naruto is the son of a Kage and we only found out less than ten minutes ago. – Shino said, holding himself back so as not to hit his teammate. – Asuma-sensei is also the son of a Kage and yet he was barely mentioned, where is your logic now?

Dozu, Zaku, Kin

They are Orochimaru's servants

– What happened to them? – Temari asked no one in specific.

– Dozu came to try to kill me so he could fight the Uchiha and I killed him. – Gaara said calmly.

– Zaku and Kin were killed by Orochimaru's forbidden jutsu. – Replied the Sandaime Hokage.

Who fought coldly

In the middle of the forest of death

– If you say anything I will fill your mouth with bugs every night while you sleep for the next month. – Said Shino when he saw Kiba opening his mouth to complain.

Who found Gaara in front of him

Definitely not lucky

- I do not think so. – Murmured Naruto, being heard by his team but being ignored by Sasuke and Sakura.

– I would say it was mutual luck for both of them. – Kakashi said in the same tone, putting his hand on his student's shoulder. – Not everyone can find someone who has gone through the same pain as you. – During the conversation, Sasuke and Sakura paid attention to everything said and wondered what they were talking about.

– I saw something in him that worried me. – The blonde revealed to his sensei. – I saw myself, what I would have become if I hadn't received everyone's support. – He explained. – We were so alike but also so different. I couldn't just let him continue as he was.

– You got that from your mother. – Hatake said. – She did not tolerate injustice.

Orochimaru marks Sasuke

Searching for your body

– So the Uchiha brat received the hickey from the pedophile? – Deidara asked, distilling poison while the older Uchiha prepared to kill a snake.

Hey, you're not scared, are you?

Scared kid

– Are you sure this sentence stuck? – Asked the Uchiha, irritated and slightly blushing.

- What happened? – Asked Temari, amused by the Uchiha's reaction.

– The teme almost died, devoured by a giant summoned snake because he was scared. – Naruto explained. – I said this phrase when I stopped the giant snake with my body and two kunais. – Everyone was shocked by the exploration, turning to the duo for confirmation, Sasuke ignored it but Sakura reluctantly confirmed it.

– But I still don’t understand the importance of the phrase in being mentioned. – Gaara said what no one had the courage to ask.

– On our first mission outside the village, one of the hired mercenaries tried to kill Naruto. – Explained Kakashi. – Sasuke said this phrase when he saved him.

– Karma. – Konohamaru said, smiling.

And in the next phase

The combat is face to face

In a fight that brought together

All survivors

– Unfortunately I didn't get to that part. – Karin said depressed. – My team was disqualified because those two idiots opened the scroll.

- Who are you? – Ino asked the newly discovered girl.

– My name is Uzumaki Karin and I'm from the village of grass. – The girl with glasses said with a smile to the shock of the Konoha gennins and Naruto's joy. – Or rather... it was. – She said, breaking her smile. – My village kicked me out for not passing the chunin exam.

– Come to Konoha. – Said Naruto with a big smile. – It looks like I'm going to be left without helping my cousin.

- Who are you? – Karin asked the blonde boy.

– Uzumaki Naruto, 'ttebayo. – He said. – We are from the same clan.

– Since when does this baka have a clan? – Sakura asked sullenly.

– The Uzumaki clan has the same level of importance as the Senju, Uchiha and Hyuga. – Explained Kakashi while feeling the bloodlust of his sensei's wife directed towards his student.

– And how did I not know that? – The Uchiha asked, irritated by the increasing importance of his teammate who he despised.

– The Uzumaki clan was exterminated many years ago and the survivors scattered throughout the world. – Asuma explained.

– So the Uchiha clan is better. – Said Sasuke convinced.

– The Uchiha clan lived on the outskirts of Konoha while the Uzumaki clan had their own island just for the clan. – Kushina said, irritated with the boy.

– The Uchiha clan was exterminated in a single night by a single person. – Said Naruto, shocking his friends with the cruelty of the blonde's speech. – The Uzumaki clan was exterminated by an army formed by the four great ninja nations and even more than half of the enemy army died together.

– The Uchiha clan never had anyone in a position of importance while the First Hokage's wife was an Uzumaki. – Itachi said to needle his little brother, but the Jounnins kept this information hidden as a possible reason for the extermination of the clan.

– How do you know that, Naruto? – Tsunade asked.

– In the Konoha library there is a section with the history of the clans linked to the village. – Naruto said as if the answer was obvious. – As the Land of Whirlwinds and the Uzumaki clan had an alliance with Konoha, our history was there too.

Naruto already beats Kiba

– In the most idiotic way. – Kiba said, but was ignored.

Sasuke to Yoroi Akado

– It would have been easier if the curse mark hadn't gotten in the way. – The Uchiha grumbled.

Neji humiliates Hinata

For threeJounninis stopped

– Exaggeration is a word that fits well with what Neji did. – Naruto commented.

Gaara enters the arena

Lee is ready

– Time for the best fight! – Lee said excitedly.

– I hope it is well described. – Naruto commented with a sparkle in his eyes.

And Gaara with an inflated ego

Without suffering a scratch

– Inflated ego... was I that unbearable? – He asked Suna's red panda to his brothers while facing the Uchiha.

– No... your problem was different. – Kankurou said a little fearfully, receiving a curious look from his younger brother.

– You didn’t take advice or orders well and that made our lives difficult. – Temari explained. – But it improved a lot after meeting that noisy blonde. – She hurried to say.

I didn't predict that Rock Lee

Could be tough

– put it tough. – Gaara commented.

– He did what many professionals couldn’t. – Kankurou said, remembering the fight.

Showing the power of sand

And your manipulation

– Is this the power of your bijuu or Kekkei Genkai? – Naruto asked the redhead.

- A bit of both. – Gaara said, opening a discreet smile seeing the blonde's sullen face.

But Lee was very fast

And he had the aptitude

– The genius of pure effort. – Kakashi commented. – This boy still has a long way to go.

After removing the weights

Doubled speed

– How fast is he? – Kushina asked gently.

– This idiot taught him the 8 gates technique. – Hatake said, pointing at Maito Gai. – That's how fast he is.

- What does this have to do? – Moegi asked.

– One of the requirements to learn this technique is to be very fast. – Lee explained to the girl.

Spinning around Gaara

Very easily

– Since the chunnin exam, Lee has been hanging around Gaara. – Tenten said to Neji, receiving everyone's attention and making the two mentioned blush.

Not even the eyes could see

Out of reach of the sand

Gaara is sent to the ground

With a right-wing bomb

Instinctively Gaara put his hand on his chin remembering the blow, this reaction did not go unnoticed by the six people who were staring at the redhead. Rasa was preparing to try to stop a massacre, Karura and Yashamaru were worried that Gaara was injured, Temari and Kankurou were worried that Gaara was suffering the psychological pain called phantom pain because of the music, Naruto was proud of his friend's evolution who was no longer driven by bloodlust.

Calling him to fight

With a proud smile

In young Gaara's mind

Lee became a dead man

– I think that went through the minds of everyone who watched the fight. – Said Sakura.

– Not mine. – Gai said.

– You don't count. – Naruto replied. – You are naturally strange.

Intensity in the sand

With extinct revolted

Situation gets ugly

Eyebrow on

– Are you sure that nickname stuck? – Sakura asked in disbelief.

– Apparently yes. – Ino commented. – And the nickname makes sense.

Taking the bands off your hands

For required position

The kick takes him off the ground

Receive theprimarylotus

– I get chills just imagining receiving an attack like that. – Kankurou said, remembering his sister's agreement.

But Gaara's defense

If it was activated

He gets up from the floor

As if there was nothing

– Looks like someone I know. – Hatake said looking at Naruto. – No matter how much he gets hit, he always gets up as if there was nothing. – Naruto was going to retort, but he realized that there was no way.

So Lee uses the gate

Open hachimon touko

Rising power

Opening the gate of pain

– If it was already strong before, this made it even stronger. – Naruto said, making Lee smile.

Don't doubt my power

It's a hit everywhere

Gate exceeding the limit

And the punch is connected

– This fight looks like it was incredible. – Said Hashirama.

– I wanted to see this fight. – Tobirama agreed.

– They are a team focused on taijutsu, aren’t they? – Kushina asked.

- How did you know? – Hiruzen asked, shocked.

– Uzumaki intuition that never fails. – Replied the redhead.

– Basic logic. – Replied the blonde next to him. – Gai cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu, while the Hyuga specialize in the clan’s taijutsu.

– You are right. – He said Hiruzen before Kushina could kill Minato. – Lee also can't do jutsus, Tenten is an expert in ninja weapons sealed in scrolls and Neji, being a Hyuga, also doesn't do jutsus.

– Do the other teams also have some specialization? – Tobirama asked.

– Team 10 specializes in combined clan combat. - Replied the Sandaime. – Team 8 specializes in tracking.

– And team 7? – Rin asked.

– Cause confusion. – Hiruzen, Minato and Kakashi replied in sync.

Lee is already exhausted

Damn Gaara resists

– Gaara’s resistance could be useful for other things, right Lee? – Tenten asked in a relaxed manner, eliciting different reactions. Lee blushed so much that he created a new shade of red, Gaara was confused by the comment since Shukaku was strangely silent since they arrived in the room, Temari was holding back laughter seeing her father foaming with anger and her mother not understanding anything while his Uncle smiled gently at the information, Kankurou was already jealous for being overprotective of his brothers.

The extinct psychopath attacks him

And the ending was sad

- I am really sorry about that. – Gaara spoke about the fight incident.

- Everything is fine. – Lee guaranteed, recovering from the embarrassment. – Tsunade-Sama treated me and now I'm almost like new.

- What was the result? – Zabuza asked the current Hokage.

– His right arm and leg were fractured to a level that was almost impossible to mend. – He confessed to Senju to everyone's astonishment. – He underwent surgery with almost a 50% chance of dying and I still don't know if he will be able to return to being a ninja.

- He goes. – Karin, Kushina and Naruto speak in sync, soon starting to face each other with the coincidence.

– If the intuition of three Uzumakis is saying this then I have no doubts. – Said Hashirama. – I say from experience that an Uzumaki's intuition is practically the same as a vision of the future.

Gai sensei appears

Prevents the end of combat

Continuing like this at the end

And the next phase arrives

– Time for the confusion of the final phase of the chunnin exam. – Commented Chōji, eating his bag of chips.

– Problematic. – Shikamaru said, yawning.

Naruto kept his promise

Beating Neji

– What promise? – Hinata asked her sensei.

– After seeing how Neji left you, Naruto swore he would take revenge for you by defeating him. – He explained to Yuhi, making Hinata blush while Jiraya and Kushina smiled mischievously.

– Did you forget that he likes Bosque dos Apaixonados? – Orochimaru asked the frog Sannin.

– That doesn't mean anything, Roshi. – Rebutted Jiraiya.

– I wouldn't count on it. – Tsunade argued.

– Even you, Hime? – He asked with his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt.

Sasuke's movements

They look like Lee's

– Did you copy my movements? – Lee asked the Uchiha.

- Perhaps. – That was all Sasuke deigned to answer.

– Unoriginal clan. – Tobirama complained. – He doesn’t create anything and copies everything from everyone.

Delay does not prevent

Sasuke from fighting Gaara

Before the end of the exam

Konoha was attacked

– Yes, that was a mess. – Asuma commented.

– Correction, that was a victory for me. – Gai said with his chest puffed out.

– Wrong, Gai. – Corrected Hatake. – I won by five more enemies.

– Did you compete to see who could defeat the most enemies? – Rin asked, shocked by the change of her former teammate.

Orochimaru challenges his sensei

Bringing life

First and Second

With edo tensei

– What is edo tensei? – Asked the late Mizukage Yagura.

– It is a forbidden jutsu created by Nidaime-Sama that brings back a dead person using a living one as a sacrifice. – Explained the Sandaime Hokage to the horror of the gennins and jinchuurikis in the room. – It was this jutsu that killed Zaku and Kin.

– And why the hell did you create a jutsu like that? – Yugito Nii asked, sending respect to the f*cking house.

– I had my reasons. – Tobirama replied sullenly.

– Does this jutsu work with shadow clones? – Naruto asked, receiving shocked looks from his friends and senseis. - What? It's a valid question.

– The boy is right. – Said Orochimaru. – Edo tensei is a forbidden jutsu because it uses other people's lives as a sacrifice, but if it works with clones then, theoretically, it would no longer be prohibited.

– Honestly, I don't know. – Said the Nidaime. – I never tried to find out.

– I'll try it when we get back. – Orochimaru said with a frightening smile on his face.

Sarutobi was old

But fearless and agile

– If you want a fight, come to fight. – Hiruzen said, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. – I'm old but not still. – With that, the Senju brothers, Legendary Sannins and Sarutobis began to laugh at the Sandaime Hokage's joke.

Mastering five elements

In a versatile way

- It is difficult? – Naruto asked the late Hokage.

– At first it was. – Sarutobi replied with a gentle smile on his face. – But now it’s as natural as breathing.

Summoning Jutsu

Put Emma in a monkey

– Is your contract with monkeys? – Konohamaru asked his grandfather.

– I left the summoning contract with Asuma, if you want you can sign your name on it. – Sarutobi replied to his grandson’s delight.

Hiruzen in serious trouble

But if you take your arms

– Unfortunately, that’s all I managed to do. – Sarutobi said, letting out a sigh along with the smoke from his pipe.

– That’s enough for now. – Tsunade said to her sensei. – Leave the rest to us.

The leaf gennins

Face the sound quartet

– Has anyone ever heard of this sound quartet? – Kiba asked, drawing everyone's attention to him and receiving a “no” from the gennins in the room.

– Then he started talking about the future. – Shikamaru said, making people sit up and pay attention to what he would say about the future.

Kidomaru, Jirobo

Tayuya, Sakon and Ukon

– Wasn’t it a quartet? – Ino asked. – Why does it have five names?

– Sakon and Ukon are twins with a jutsu that allows them to fuse their bodies. – Orochimaru said, seeing no reason to hide this information, especially when he discovered he could get his hands on the Uchiha. – That’s why everyone considers them as one.

I am Rock Lee

Not to be confused with Bruce Lee

– What’s that weird voice, big eyebrows? – Naruto asked, holding back a laugh.

- I don't know. – Lee said confused.

- Not again. – Gai whimpered with the information.

– This is a disaster. – Tenten said, shaking while Neji petrified in place.

It's obvious that you're going to give up

Drunk fist today puts you to sleep

– Did you fight drunk? – Sakura shouted in horror.

– Did I fight drunk? – Lee asked numbly.

– Did you drink alcohol in the middle of treatment? – Tsunade scolded.

I'm here, how did I fall?

Can I nap for a minute here?!

I passed by and didn't even see you

My goodness, what did I drink?

– I'm laughing but with respect. – Said Naruto, stifling his laugh with his hand.

- Me too. – Kankurou and Kiba said together, imitating the Uzumaki.

And Gaara arrives as reinforcement

– Reinforcement for whom? – Rasa asked suspiciously.

– I don't know the context but I'm sure it was to Konoha. – Gaara replied.

Opening the way

Leaving Naruto and Sasuke

Find themselves alone

– What’s this about finding yourself alone? – Temari asked to irritate the Uchiha, making him blush and frown.

– Honestly Raposinha, with so many girls and boys in the world and you just choose an Uchiha? – Deidara asked, joining in on the older Sabaku's joke. Naruto blushed violently while mumbling that it wasn't what it seemed.

The valley of the end

It's the stage for the fight

Feelings and bonds

Intertwine in the dispute

– Then let's fight again. – The blonde noted without showing any reaction.

- Is what it seems. – The Uchiha replied in the same tone.

– Will you ally with him in search of power? – Naruto asked without flinching.

- Very likely. – Sasuke confirmed calmly as he prepared himself for the fight that would follow.

– You know that I'm going to come after you to bring you back even if it's just a beating, right? – Asked the Uzumaki, shocking the team members with his uncharacteristic calm.

– You can try, but I won't take it easy. – He needled the brunette in an attempt to get his teammate back to “normal”.

– I would never forgive you if you did that. – He said the fox's jinchuuriki, putting an end to the discussion.

It's Naruto and the rasengan

Chidori and Sasuke

– I didn't teach you chidori for you to use on a teammate, Sasuke. – Kakashi said, disappointed with his student.

– The same goes for the rasengan, Naruto. – Jiraya agreed.

– Are you okay, Tobi? – Deidara asked worriedly when the masked man started to make choking sounds.

– Yes, I am, Deidara-Senpai. Tobi choked on the candy he was sucking. – Said the masked Uchiha, disguising his voice.“What a bad joke! If chidori is not meant to be used on a teammate then why did bakashi kill Rin with it? If Jiraya-Sama was telling the truth then why did sensei use the rasengan on me? f*cking hypocrites.”

Naruto falls asleep

And Sasuke can beat him

– I said I wouldn't take it easy. – Said the Uchiha, still worried about the blonde.

– The music said I passed out. – Naruto said calmly. – Until I die I will keep trying. – He concluded.

– Why do you seem so calm, Naruto? – Hatake asked worriedly.

– You know that I broke into several records and libraries, right, Kakashi-Sensei? – Asked the Uzumaki, scaring everyone with his mistake. – Let's say I discovered some secrets that, if revealed, could turn the world upside down. – He concluded, making Itachi, Hiruzen and Danzo break out in a cold sweat with the veiled threat.

– So not only did you break into the ambu records, you also left the village without permission, befriended a renegade, broke into the Hokage's house, entered libraries in other villages and, perhaps, their records room as well. – He listed the copy ninja while the blonde mentally cursed for the mistake. – Did I forget something?

– Nothing worth mentioning. – Said Naruto, looking away trying to talk.

– What other crimes have you committed, Naruto? – He asked Senju.

– Besides being alive? – He murmured, only being heard by his sensei. – None that caused any harm to anyone, I swear.

But the promise lives

And Konoha lives

Let's bring Sasuke back

For the good of the team

- Do not even try. – Said Orochimaru. – If he came to me then there is nothing you can do.

- Do not count on it. – Said the Uzumaki irritated. For some reason his anger towards the snake Sannin was greater than normal and this scared the blonde because he didn't know why.

And with Naruto I learned

Much more than that

Pulling from the bottom of the well

Who we consider friends

– A good life lesson. – Gai commented to his students.

– There was no chorus? – Udon asked when silence reigned in the room.

– There's a letter here. – Moegi said, pointing to the letter in Konohamaru's hand.

– What does it say there? – Asuma asked.

“With this the introduction arc is over. We decided to put these songs on so you can understand what’s coming.”– Said the smaller Sarutobi, pausing. –“But everything in its own time. Now we will take a break for you to digest everything you heard. When they return we will have more people being introduced into the room. Enjoy snacks on the table and the colorful doors on the side are bathrooms divided by gender and snoop-proof. Ps: From time to time there will be visitors from other alternative lines who made different decisions than you, be kind to them.– He finally finished. – That's what was written.

– Well, at least I won't have to watch this pervert to stop him from spying. – Tsunade said, letting out a sigh of relief.

- Let's eat! – Said Chōji running to the snack table.

– Kushina-san? – He called the Mizukage, getting close to her friends who were talking. – I heard you wanted to read the Forest of Lovers. – Terumi started. – I happen to have the first volume here with me, if you want to read it.

- I would love. – Said the Uzumaki radiantly. – Thank you Mizukage-san.

– You can just call me Mei. – She said the redhead with a smile.

– Can I read along with you? – Asked the Uchiha matriarch.

– Of course you can, Mikoto. – She replied happily.

– I did my part, Unknown-Sama. – Mei said as she walked away from them. – I converted two more regular readers. – She completed the prayer to her nameless “deity”.

Rewriting destiny - Chapter 4 - Deadly_Tree (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.