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AP Biology Scoring Guide

Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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As shown in the diagram, when environmental temperatures drop below freezing, a layer of icetypically forms on the surface of bodies of freshwater such as lakes and rivers.Which of the following best describes how the structure of ice benefits the organisms that live in thewater below?

AThe water molecules in ice are closer together than those in liquid water, so the ice prevents thepassage of air to the water, maintaining a constant gas mixture in the water.

BThe water molecules in ice are closer together than those in liquid water, so the ice forms a barrierthat protects the organisms in the water from the freezing air temperatures.

CThe water molecules in ice are farther apart than those in liquid water, so the ice floats, maintainingthe warmer, denser water at the lake bottom.

DThe water molecules in ice are farther apart than those in liquid water, so the ice floats, preventingthe escape of gases from the liquid water.

2. Water molecules are polar covalent molecules. There is a partial negative charge near the oxygenatom and partial positive charges near the hydrogen atoms due to the uneven distribution ofelectrons between the atoms, which results in the formation of hydrogen bonds between watermolecules. The polarity of water molecules contributes to many properties of water that areimportant for biological processes.Which of the following models best demonstrates the arrangement of hydrogen bonds betweenadjacent water molecules?

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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3. In vascular plants, water flows from root to leaf via specialized cells called xylem. Xylem cells arehollow cells stacked together like a straw. A student explains that evaporation of water from the leafpulls water up from the roots through the xylem, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Model of water movement through the xylem, with magnified models of water movementin the stem and leaf.Which statement describes how water is pulled up through the xylem to the leaves of the plant?

AAs water exits the leaf, hydrogen bonding between water molecules pulls more water up frombelow.

BAs water exits the leaf, signals are sent to the roots to pump more water up to the leaves throughthe xylem by adhesion.

CEvaporation from the leaf decreases the hydrogen bonds that form between the water molecules inthe xylem, which helps the water molecules to be pulled up the xylem.

DEvaporation of water from the leaf increases the hydrogen bonds that form between watermolecules in the air, providing the energy for transport.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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4. The figure shows the results of an experiment to investigate the effects of an enriched environment on plant growth. Identical plants were separated into different groups and grown eitherin a standard environment (400 ppm ) or in an enriched environment (700 ppm ). Of the plants in each environment, half were grown under ideal conditions and half were grownunder stressed conditions.

Based on the figure, which statement best describes the observed relationship betweenatmospheric enrichment and plant growth under ideal and stressed conditions?

AThe increase in atmospheric had no observable effect on plant growth under either ideal orstressed conditions.

BThe increase in atmospheric resulted in a greater increase in plant growth under idealconditions than under stressed conditions.

CThe increase in atmospheric resulted in a greater increase in plant growth under stressedconditions than under ideal conditions.

DThe increase in atmospheric resulted in an inhibition of plant growth under both ideal andstressed conditions.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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5. Phosphorous (P) is an important nutrient for plant growth. Figure 1 shows Arabidopsis thalianaplants grown under phosphorus‐sufficient (left) and phosphorus‐starved (right) conditions for sixweeks.

Figure 1. Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown for six weeks.Which of the following is the most likely reason for the difference in leaf growth?

AThe phosphorus-starved plant was unable to synthesize both the required proteins and lipids,limiting growth.

BThe phosphorus-starved plant was unable to synthesize both the required proteins andcarbohydrates, limiting growth.

CThe phosphorus-starved plant was unable to synthesize both the required nucleic acids and lipids,limiting growth.

DThe phosphorus-starved plant was unable to synthesize both the required carbohydrates andnucleic acids, limiting growth.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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6. A polypeptide is polymer of amino acids held together by peptide bonds. The process ofdehydration synthesis creates these peptide bonds, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Amino acids are linked through the formation of peptide bonds.As shown in Figure 1, an amino acid must have which of the following properties in order to beincorporated into a polypeptide?

A The ability to remain stable in the presence of water molecules

B An that is compatible with the of the last amino acid incorporated

C A central carbon atom that reacts with a nitrogen atom to form the peptide bond

D The ability to form a covalent bond with both its group and its group

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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Which of the following is common feature of the illustrated reactions showing the linking ofmonomers to form macromolecules?

A Two identical monomers are joined by a covalent bond.

B Two different monomers are joined by a covalent bond.

C Monomers are joined by a covalent bond, and a water molecule is produced.

D Monomers are joined by ionic bonds, and a water molecule is produced.

8. Which of the following describes a key difference among the 20 amino acids that are used to makeproteins?

A Only some amino acids have an .

B Only some amino acids have a carboxyl group .

C Some amino acids are hydrophobic.

D Some amino acids contain the element phosphorus.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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9. Figure 1 shows three amino acids that are part of a polypeptide chain. Figure 2 shows the samesection of the chain after a mutation has occurred.

How might this change affect the structure and function of the protein?

AThe of the new amino acid, valine, has different chemical properties than the ofcysteine. This will cause the protein to misfold and not function properly in the cell.


The new amino acid, valine, has replaced cysteine in the new protein. Since the number of aminoacids has remained the same, there will be no change in the three-dimensional folding, or function,of the protein.

CSince this is a linear section, it does not influence protein folding. Thus, there will be no change inprotein structure or function.


Since the new amino acid is bounded on one side by an amino acid with a negatively charged and by an amino acid on the other side with a positively charged , the charges will

balance and the protein will fold as usual.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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10. Figure 1 shows a short segment of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule.

Figure 1. A short segment of a double-stranded nucleic acid moleculeWhich of the following statements is correct about the molecule shown in Figure 1 ?

A It is because of the relative direction of the two strands.

B It is because of the number of different nucleotides found in the molecule.

C It is because of the nature of the hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine.

D It is because of the nucleotides present.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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Figure 1. Molecule 1 represents , and molecule 2 represents .Which of the following best describes a structural similarity between the two molecules shown inFigure 1 that is relevant to their function?

ABoth molecules are composed of the same four nucleotides, which allows each molecule to beproduced from the same pool of available nucleotides.

BBoth molecules are composed of the same type of five-carbon sugar, which allows each moleculeto act as a building block for the production of polysaccharides.

CBoth molecules contain nucleotides that form base pairs with other nucleotides, which allows eachmolecule to act as a template in the synthesis of other nucleic acid molecules.

DBoth molecules contain nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups, which allows each molecule tobe used as a monomer in the synthesis of proteins and lipids.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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12. Which feature of model 1 best illustrates how biological information is coded in a molecule?

A The and labels at the ends of each strand

B The labeling of the hydrogen bonds between base pairs

C The lines connecting sugars and phosphate groups that represent covalent bonds

D The linear sequence of the base pairs

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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Figure 1. Four different bonds ( , , , and ) in a moleculeFigure 1 represents a segment of . Radiation can damage the nucleotides in a molecule. To repair some types of damage, a single nucleotide can be removed from a molecule and replaced with an undamaged nucleotide. Which of the four labeled bonds in Figure 1could be broken to remove and replace the cytosine nucleotide without affecting the biologicalinformation coded in the molecule?

A Bond only

B Bond only

C Bonds and at the same time

D Bonds and at the same time

14. A student wants to modify model 1 so that it represents an double helix instead of a double helix. Of the following possible changes, which would be most effective in making model 1look more like than ?

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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A Changing the sequence of the base pairs

B Changing the deoxyriboses to riboses by adding groups

C Changing the shapes of the nitrogenous bases to match those shown in model 2

D Changing the sugar-phosphate backbone to a ribbon, as shown in model 3

Different polysaccharides are used by plants for energy storage and structural support. The molecularstructures for two common polysaccharides are shown in Figure 1. Starch is used by plants for energystorage, and cellulose provides structural support for cell walls. The monomer used to construct bothmolecules is glucose.

A study determined the effect of two different digestive enzymes, A and B, on these two polysaccharides.Table 1 presents the data from the study.

Table 1. Effect of Enzymes A and B on Cellulose and Starch

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Test Tube Polysaccharide Added Enzyme Added Glucose Detected after 5 Minutes at 37°C

1 Cellulose A No

2 Cellulose B Yes

3 Starch A Yes

4 Starch B No

Mammals do not produce digestive enzyme B. However, sheep and cattle are two types of mammals thatcontain microorganisms in their digestive tract that produce enzyme B.

15. Based on Figure 1, which of the following best compares the atomic structures of starch andcellulose?

A Starch is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, while cellulose also contains nitrogen.

BStarch and cellulose are composed of repeating glucose monomers; however, in cellulose everyother glucose monomer is rotated 180 degrees.

CStarch is composed of monomers that each have a group, while cellulose only has a

group on every other monomer.

D Starch and cellulose are composed of identical monomers and therefore have identical structures.

16. Based the information provided, which of the following statements best describes why starch andcellulose provide different functions in plants?

AThe differences in the assembly and organization of the monomers of these two polymers result indifferent chemical properties.

BSince starch and cellulose are composed of identical monomers, the cellular environment wherethey are located controls their function.

C The monomers of cellulose are connected by covalent bonds, making it idea for structural support.

D The monomers of starch are connected by ionic bonds, making it ideal for energy storage for plants.

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Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ

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17. Which of the following best describes the process that adds a monosaccharide to an existingpolysaccharide?

AThe monosaccharide is completely broken down by a specific enzyme and then the atoms arereorganized and made into a polysaccharide.

BIonic bonds are formed between adjacent carbon atoms of the monosaccharide and thepolysaccharide by adding water and a specific enzyme.

CA specific enzyme removes the hydrogen ( ) from the monosaccharide and the hydroxide ( )from the polysaccharide, creating a bond between the two and creating a water ( ) molecule.


A specific enzyme removes two hydroxides , one from the monosaccharide, and one from thepolysaccharide, creating a bond between the two monosaccharides and creating a hydrogenperoxide ( ) molecule.

18. Which of the following would most likely occur if cattle lost the ability to maintain a colony ofmicroorganisms in their digestive tract?

A Cattle would no longer be able to synthesize cellulose.

B Cattle would have to convert cellulose to starch before digesting it.

C Cattle would have to start producing enzyme without the help of the bacteria.

D Cattle would no longer be able to use cellulose as a primary source of glucose.

Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ - [PDF Document] (2024)
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